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The Role of Women in Portuguese Fascism and in Today’s Portugal

The photograph you see in the illustration of this article is the image of two influential women in my life. My maternal grandmother and my mother. They were talking about their lives under the centennial vine branches of my grandparents’ house, right next to a gate that dates back to 1893.

It is a house inside a more than century-old wine farm. It was not founded by my family, but as history tells, it was a considerable achievement bought by my grandfather, back in a time when the Estado Novo dictatorship reigned in Portugal. A fascist government that would rule Portugal from 1933 to 1974, and that would put Portugal in a huge economic and cultural stagnation. 

This purchase would also mark my family’s history, setting a narrative that tells the past from the side of those who had the money, while neglecting the unpaid labor effort of all my maternal family.

For some, this photograph has all the characteristics of a bucolic scene. It was also taken in Fall, at the time of falling leaves and changing temperatures. There seems, however, to be more to this image than this feeling.

Something more than two women talking, the smell of wine fermenting in the cellar, or brown leaves flying through the air. The image lacks the dialogue that lasted a good part of the afternoon.

A conversation full of Portuguese nostalgia, of past memories, wrapped up with the feeling of impotence before a fate already written in the stars, perhaps an ancient legacy of the Arabs in our lands.

First, my grandmother, tired in her eighties, sat down. And then my mother sat in front of her. What followed would shock, or not, the ears of other younger generations.

My grandmother started to complain about my grandfather’s lack of appetite. Fortunately, she said, there was everything in that house: chicken, rabbit, codfish, potatoes, beans, pasta, or rice.

But the problem was not the lack of options but that with each passing day, it became more and more challenging to cook for my grandfather, a man soon to turn eighty-nine years old.

The shock that I said I could feel, however, is not because of my grandfather’s lack of appetite but because of my grandmother’s eternal role as a housewife. A whole lifetime of having to be one without ever having been asked whether she wanted that role.

But it doesn’t shock her either. Perhaps we are all the result of our time, morals, and customs. For better or worse, we all play the role without having been asked whether it was the one we wanted.

My grandfather, contrasting immensely with her, doesn’t even know how to turn on the stove at home. Nor how to take the food out of the pot my grandmother puts on the table every day.

These tasks have always been relegated only to her. My grandmother was entrusted with the household chores and everything around it, i.e., the land and her agricultural work.

In my youth, it was commonplace to see my grandmother with a hoe in her hands, sometimes bent down with a sickle to cut the grass or behind the flock of sheep or goats scattered around the farm.

Captured by Araci Almeida
Captured by Araci Almeida

I saw her always bustling about, trying to balance between opening the water tank and watering the vast vegetable garden or running to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

I can almost hear the sound of the crunch of onions just pulled from the earth, mixed with the olive oil coming from the olives from the same farm, and the big red tomatoes, tasty and very fragrant, cut into pieces falling into the pot.

I can also sense the smell that began to waft through that kitchen, mixed with the sound of an RTP newscaster coming through the small television into that kitchen with us.

Except for the pasta or the rice, everything came from their farm. Meanwhile, my grandfather would always arrive, coming from the village with some groceries, accompanied by his grandchildren who had come home from school, and his sons who, even though were already married and grown up, would show up for lunch.

There were fried potatoes and eggs for the grandchildren, beans and meat for my grandfather, and pasta with chicken for everyone else. I don’t know how she could take care of a house like that, making two or three different dishes every lunch.

But what is certain is that everything was done. But it wasn’t magic; it was her work that was always taken for granted, as expected, as “it should be.”

These are all images of my grandmother entering her retirement age. However, for someone who supposedly and legally “never worked,” there was no moment in her life when effectively setting aside her day-to-day tasks became official.

Her work did exist, though. This must be said. Besides all her tasks as a housewife and farmer, let’s not forget the role of motherhood.

My family’s archive

Taking care of their seven children was also part of her duties. The father was always responsible for the money that would come in. She was responsible for everything else: breastfeeding them, changing diapers, and teaching them how to live.

While the public social space was nonexistent for her, who had always lived on that farm, my grandfather was the supposed real breadwinner of that house. He was the only one with a paid job and the only craft valued within the family.

One could say that by leaving home, having a boss, and socializing with other people, my grandfather was also part of the history of my village, unlike my grandmother, the typical female figure we so often feel is without history.

And figures without history are without the power to tell it. It’s almost as if they don’t even exist in real life, and it’s as if they pass by or are indispensable. But so often, these exact figures are the pillar of our civilization.

I only need to think that my grandfather didn’t know how to cook or didn’t want to serve his own food. Something that makes me very perplexed is that he’s this way. What would he be without her? Or how would my uncles, aunts, and my mom have survived?

Sure, life wasn’t easy for either of them. Both my grandparents lived most of their youth under the fascist regime of Salazar in Portugal. They were both poor and, therefore, both suffering. Even more so, they lived in rural Portugal, much more forgotten, abandoned, and where illiteracy proliferated.

My family’s archive

But if life was hard for poor men, it was even more complicated for women, who were relegated to second-class citizens under God’s motto of country and family.

There was a very infamous saying, sometimes even found at the entrance of houses in the typical blue tiles of Portuguese culture “She runs the house, but it’s me (the husband) who rules her.” Indeed this motto was found everywhere: the women took care of the family, but the men ruled the world.

Women’s rights were limited, if not nonexistent. And my grandmother is the personification of these ideals, which were also the Salazarist ideas, of which she doesn’t even know she was a part. She was the loving mother, the devoted wife, and the true fairy of the home. Without knowing it, she had been trained to perform this role.

Trained by her father, mother, and the winds of the times in which she lived. Her little schooling also made her accept it and never question things’ order. She never touched money, nor could she count it, because she was not allowed a paid job. That was only her husband’s right.

My grandmother didn’t aspire for more, but she didn’t know that even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to have it either. Like other women, she couldn’t be a merchant, leave the country alone, open a bank account, or take contraceptives without her husband’s permission.

From being dependent on a father, she would become dependent on a husband, never achieving adult status. Always keeping her in an inferior position and limiting her ambitions to advance the social hierarchy.

And even when the country needed women to work in factories, women did not achieve the same status as men, as they were paid half as much as men. Same work, different amount of pay. And if the written laws were not enough, then there were the laws of morality and the shame a man could feel if he knew his wife was earning as much as he was.

The “Estado Novo” (the name given to the Portuguese fascist regime) and the passivity of the general population agreeing with these norms made women submissive without knowing they were so.

Women lived in the shadows of men without any rights and in fear. In fear of domestic violence and under a Government that did not protect them. Fear even of their husbands, who, even if they murdered them, would not even go to jail.

They were second-class citizens.

My grandmother belonged to this category. She had been a farmer, a cleaner, an ironer, a laundress (how many times I saw her wash clothes in the cold winter putting her hands into the frozen water of the farm’s tank), and a cook, but she was not paid for it.

Many might say that she worked for herself and her family. But to say this is to devalue the value of her work. Nowadays, it is expensive to pay for t someone to clean our house. We pay dearly for someone to wash our clothes and iron them.

We pay for those who care for our children, and even more when we eat in good restaurants. All this was done by her and by others like her. We pay dearly for those who do this for us, but we devalue the work given to us as free— perhaps because of this.

And if this was the portrait of women in Portugal during fascism, it was not the sudden transition to democracy that changed the culture and way of looking at women overnight. Of course, it is undeniable how much the April 25, 1974 revolution benefited women.

More so in legal terms. Women began to be admitted to the judiciary, and divorce was finally possible, regardless of whether it was civil or Catholic. In 1978 the reform of Family Law came into force under the premise that everyone was equal.

This ended the man’s figure as head of the family and all others as his submissives. Little by little, equality at work regarding pay arrived through the laws of 1979 and 1983.

But if all this is innovative, if you ask my grandmother, my mother, or even my aunts who are younger, if they felt this change in their daily lives, the answer is probably no.

Making laws definitely helps to protect your citizens, but changing a culture takes years or a whole generation. My mother’s story might fit in here too. She got married very early, at seventeen. She had my brother at eighteen and me at twenty-four.

My father, a construction worker and a man who was also a victim of his times, never “allowed” my mother to enter working life. I put that in between commas because this was never said but always felt. We are already talking about the early nineties.

While in many other countries, such actions might be seen as absurd, I reiterate again that suddenly changing the culture of a people is no easy task. But, just like my grandmother, my mother always worked.

Taking care of the children, farming, cleaning the house, and being informally employed by my father in his construction company either as a secretary or someone who drove trucks with sand, cement, or bricks.

If my childhood memories of my grandmother were seeing her in front of sheep, my mother’s image is of a woman getting off the truck and unloading sand with other employees of my father or passing heavy bags of cement on her shoulders.

All this, of course, without being paid because all this had been seen as working for the family. At the beginning of the new millennium, and only years later, with the enormous financial crisis, my mother, almost in her forties, left home and got a job. A job which nonetheless is always meant for women since she is a cleaning lady in a factory.

But if the advent of democracy and all the passed laws benefited women, they found themselves at a tremendous crossroads. For if they were now admitted into the public space – something that, as I told you, my grandmother never achieved – and worked in jobs “like men,” their workload doubled.

All this because the domestic space and everything inherent to it continued (and continues for the most part) to be seen as assigned to women.

So, in addition to their work outside the house, they would arrive home only to continue working, neglecting their rest time, which is necessary for any human to be functional. And most of the time, in addition to their work being the same as men’s, wage differences persisted.

Men and women doing the same job were paid differently, with men often being paid twice as much as women. And as such, as women reached an advanced age and entered retirement, these differences became more pronounced.

Women always with lower pensions and men with higher allowances. Just look at the example of my grandmother. She worked as much or more than my grandfather, but she doesn’t have a pension because she was always in the informal market.

But when it comes to both of them going to the pharmacy and getting the same medicines, there is clearly no differentiation, which always makes women poorer. If democracy brought many rights to women, getting them out of poverty was not and is still not so easy.

Still, even in the new millennium, one finds reports like this of women earning less. And of women too, who have been swallowed up by the mentality of patriarchy and think it is customary to make less.

Women are, because of all this, exhausted. And I would also like to say that all this is just found in the past, or that I have never felt this discrimination happening. But I would be lying if I said so.

When I was employed, I always saw my male colleagues earning more without any plausible justification. The peak of my tolerance ended when I trained a male colleague, who was also younger than me, and he then joined the same company earning one hundred euros more than me.

I quit my job, angry at my country, where wage discrimination is forbidden by law but where it is still so easy to get around it all.

The conversation on my grandparents’ farm continued that afternoon between those three women, the two in the photograph and the one behind the camera. These three generations crossed paths that continue to witness similar problems like the lack of a voice in the public space.

It is crucial to hear conversations like this and just as important, if not more, to not give up or take anything for granted. And in the days we are all living in, with the winds of fascism blowing into the world, Portugal being no exception, we must continue the fight for equality.

As Simone de Beauvoir said to Claudine Monteil, a feminist of the women’s liberation movement, “Never take anything for granted. All it takes is a political, economic, or religious crisis for women’s rights to be questioned. All your life, you must remain vigilant! ( Monteil, Claudine 2009, Simone de Bauvoir; Modernité et engagemnet, Paris: L’Harmattan)

Winter Guide to Porto: Winter Activities in Porto 2023

Porto is one of our favorite places in Europe to visit during the Winter. From traditional comfort food and the Christmas environment to loads of activities to warm you up, do consider visiting the city during this season.

While hoards of tourists primarily travel to Porto in the Summer, the Winter does not disappoint. You will also be able to take advantage of low-season prices and less chaos on the most popular streets!

Let’s take a look at our Winter Guide to Porto, including our top activities, what to pack, and the weather!

Guide to Porto

Porto in Winter: Porto Weather in Winter

While Porto can be colder than cities like Lisbon in the winter, it still enjoys a moderate Mediterranean climate in the winter. Temperatures during the day range from 50-60F/10-18ºC. Nighttime temperatures are naturally much chiller, ranging from 40-50F/5-10ºC.

Temperatures are the coldest between December and January, with several rainy days. It rains the most in January, with an average of 13 rainy days a month, followed by November, December, and February, with 11 days a month. 

Weather in Portugal

7 Best Porto Winter Activities

1. Port wine tasting in traditional cellar

One of the best ways to seek shelter from the rain and warm up on a chilly day is a Port wine tasting in a cellar. Port wine is a Portuguese fortified wine produced in the Douro Valley. This wine is a sweet red wine that often pairs perfectly with dessert.

On a wine tour, you can also taste other Portuguese wines, including white and red wine. The best wine tastings are in Vila Nova de Gaia, across the Dom Luis Bridge from Porto, over the Douro river. Our favorite cellars for Port wine tastings are Caves Ferreira and Ramos Pinto. 

Photo by LE (Unsplash)

Book Port Wine Tastings & Tours in Porto

2. Visit the Palacio da Bolsa

The mid-19th century Palacio da Bolsa is one of the most interesting buildings in Porto and the perfect plan for a winter day.  The name Palácio da Bolsa translates into “Stock Exchange Palace”. Although it no longer functions as a stock exchange, it is still the headquarters of the Porto Commercial Association. 

This building has been the setting of meaningful events in Porto throughout the ages, including Queen Elizabeth II’s visit in 1957. Palacio da Bolsa has welcomed Monarchs, Presidents, and Ministers from almost every country. 

The building was built in neoclassic style on the ruins of the Saint Francis Covent. Inside, you will find furniture by Jose Marques da Silva and sculptures by Teixeira Lopes. There are 30-minute guided tours of the palace in Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English. 

palacio da bolsa porto
Palacio da Bolsa. Photo by Kevin Ohashi

Buy tickets to the Palacio da Bolsa

3. Explore the quaint Livraria Lello

What’s better than exploring a sea of books on a cold winter day? Livraria Lello is one of the oldest bookstores in the country, founded in 1906.

Multiple literary figures have visited this place, featuring beautiful stained glass features and a dramatic stairwell. The bookstore’s exterior has Neo-Gothic, and Art Noveau elements, and the two-story interior reflects Art Deco elements.

The internet might have told you that the author of Harry Potter, Jk Rowling, wrote the book series at Livraria Lello. This is unfortunately untrue, with Rowling herself denying these claims. However, it is still more than worth a visit! 

Livraria Lello. Photo by Peter Justinger (Unsplash)

Book Guided Walking Tours and Lello Bookshop

4. Meet amazing creatures at Sea Life

Who said you couldn’t enjoy the sea in the winter? In this case, it’s not the beach, but instead, Sea Life Porto, which is a lot more sheltered from the wind and rain. Sea Life has over 30 displays and 3,000 sea creatures. This place has an underwater tunnel you can walk through and observe the sea life. 

There are plenty of aquarium zones: Douro river, rockpool, neptunes, exterior space, ocean cave, seahorse temple, and ray bay. You will also get to watch free educational talks, and feeding demonstrations and find out about the programs to conserve marine life. 

If you want a surreal experience, book the VIP Turtle Feeding, where you can go backstage and feed Mariza, the green turtle. 

Book Sea Life Ticket

5. Find the best Francesinha in Porto

Porto has a signature dish that will warm you up on a winter day called the Francesinha! This Porto classic is a Portuguese sandwich made with bread, ham, steak, linguica sausage, and melted cheese on top. The dish also contains a spiced tomato and beer sauce. Some restaurants in Porto will serve it with a fried egg on top and fries on the side. 

The Francesinha was brought to Porto in the 1950s by Daniel Silva, a Portuguese immigrant living in France. Inspired by the French dish Croque Monsieur, Daniel adapted this dish into the francesinha by replacing its main ingredients with traditional Portuguese products. 

However, while most Portuguese taverns in Porto always ace this dish, there are a few tourist traps to avoid. Here are our favorite Francesinha restaurants in Porto:

  • Cafe Santiago
  • Casa Guedes
  • Tasquinha Ze Povinho
  • Lado B
  • Cervejaria Brasao
Francesinha in Porto. Photo by Kevin Ohashi

The Story Behind Porto’s Francesinha

6. Enjoy a Fado show in Porto

Fado is a style of Portuguese music that was sung in taverns beginning in the 19th century and is now a UNESCO-listed musical genre. While the city of Lisbon has closer historical roots to fado due to the birthplace of Amalia Rodrigues in Alfama, Porto does not fall behind.

A fado show in Porto is a great way to spend a cozy winter evening. Fado na Baixa hosts unique live fado shows, a form of Portuguese singing that is now part of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. The performance happens in a small auditorium, fusing popular versions of fado with the original style from the 1820s. This ticket includes a Tawny Port wine tasting while you witness the talented performers.

Alternatively, Fado at Calem offers a 45-minute fado show with a Calem Port wine tasting for an incredible experience by booking this ticket. The Port wine is locally grown in the vineyards of Porto and provides an authentic cultural experience. You will also get to explore the Calem wine cellar to find out more about the history of wine in Porto.

7. Take a Douro Valley Tour

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Douro Valley is a must-see if you are visiting Porto or the North of Portugal, even in the winter. One of the most popular tours starting in Porto is a 9.5 hour all-inclusive Douro river tour that allows guests to spend a full day discovering the landscapes of the Douro valley.

Hop on a traditional Portuguese Rabelo boat in Porto, which will take you to Peso da Regua, Pinhao, and Sabrosa. The cruise includes two spots to wine estates where you will get to taste some of the finest wines produced in the vineyards.

You will also get to stop at viewpoints to enjoy the scenery and taste a typical Douro lunch which includes an olive oil tasting. The whole river cruise includes a tour guide to teach you about the area, available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. 

Book All-Inclusive Douro Cruise

Christmas in Portugal

Christmas is probably the biggest and most important holiday in Portugal. The streets of Lisbon are lit up with Christmas lights, people gather at the best bakeries to buy Bolo Rei (King’s Cake), and families spend precious time together.

While Portugal is a predominantly Catholic country, Christmas is not all about religion. Many families that are not necessarily Catholic or even Christian will celebrate Christmas as a way to spend time together. 

There are two main events: the night of the 24th of December and the 25th. In Portugal, it’s customary for families to gather for dinner on the 24th and open presents that night, sometimes waiting for midnight. The next day, Christmas Day, is often more laid back than the night before with a traditional Christmas lunch. In Portugal, the night of the 24th is usually the most important. 

Porto Winter: What to Pack

While winters in Portugal are not as cold as elsewhere, you will still need to pack accordingly. Here is a list of items to pack for Porto in the winter:

  • Jeans
  • T-shirts
  • Long-sleeve sweaters
  • Warm hoodies
  • Scarf
  • Warm shoes and/or sneakers
  • Boots
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen (the sun is strong even in winter)
  • Warm jacket
  • Raincoat with hood

6 Best Things to Do in Corvo, Azores

Discovered in the 15th century with Flores, the island of Corvo in the Azores is the smallest island in the archipelago. Less than 500 people actually live on this island! It is also the most remote island of the archipelago, giving tourists an isolated getaway from the stresses of life. 

Considered a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, this remote island features gorgeous green landscapes with contrasting dark blue sea views, as well as picturesque narrow streets and a strong-knit community.

If you are planning your next trip to Corvo island in the Azores and unsure what to do, you’ve come to the right place. There are so many enjoyable activities in Corvo. From marveling at astonishing species of birds to hiking trails with impressive landscapes, let’s take a look at the 6 best things to do in Corvo, Azores. 

Travel Guide to Corvo, Azores

1. Bird watching in Corvo in October

October is low season in all of the Azores, but you’ll find that Corvo could be all booked up for this month. Strange, right? This is because October is bird watching season in Corvo, where you’ll find hundreds of different bird species. For fanatic bird watchers, Corvo is set to be a bucket list destination. 

As the island is close to the American continent, many American vagrants are spotted on this island, which you can never see in Europe or mainland Portugal. Here are some of the bird species you can find in Corvo during this season:

  • Double-crested Cormorant
  • Killdeer
  • Buff-breasted Sandpiper
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Hermit Thrush
  • White-eyed Vireo
  • Black-and-white Warbler
  • Northern Parula
  • Northern Waterthrush
  • White-crowned Sparrow
  • Indigo Bunting

2. Explore Vila do Corvo

Vila do Corvo is the smallest municipality in all of the Azores and the only village in Corvo island. Its size is also proportional to its population. Vila do Corvo is the least populated municipality in all of Portugal!

This village has quaint small homes along narrow streets made of a traditional black stone. Vila do Corvo is home to significant religious buildings that you must visit, such as the Church of Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, an 18th-century church in Baroque style, and the Império of the Divino Espirito Santo, a church constructures in 1871.

We also recommend visiting the Windmills of Corvo, known as the Moinhos do Vento. These are three windmills located along the Caminhos dos Moinhos, built on volcanic rock with octagonal sails.

3. Walk the Corvo Caldera

The caldera in Corvo was formed 430,000 years ago during a Plinian eruption. It is 2,000 meters in diameter and 300 meters deep. Within the caldera, you will find different cinder and spatter cones that have given rise to small lakes and islets. 

If you only do one hike in Corvo, the caldera walk is one you must not miss. It takes around 2h30 to walk up to the caldera, but the journey is worth it, filled with hydrangeas along the past. You will get one of the most beautiful views of a lifetime, particularly if you arrive in time for sunset. 

If the hike is too difficult or you don’t feel like walking, you can get a taxi up to the caldera for a cheap price. Nevertheless, we do recommend taking the walk as the path is very much worth it.

Caldera Corvo. Photo by Manuel Garcia (Flickr)

4. Hike beautiful trails in Corvo

Corvo might not have a ton of hiking trails, but the two official ones on the island are still worth it. You can take a hike around the iconic caldera that is 4.8 kilometers long and goes around the crater. If you are more experienced, the Cara do Indio trail is a 10-kilometer hike that features gorgeous views of Flores island and takes around 3 hours.

Make sure to only hike on these official trails that are taken care of by the Azores Tourism Broad if you are a beginner. There might be other unofficial hiking trails, but without the correct signage, you risk getting lost. You can look up the official hike trails here. You can find the routes on a map, the duration of the hike, as well as the elevation levels, and more.

5. Experience the Holy Spirit Celebrations in Corvo

Corvo is one of the islands in the Azores that is most well known for religious celebrations and festivals. The Festas do Espirito Santo, translating to Holy Spirit Celebrations or Festivities, are celebrated per Azorean tradition during the summer.

It begins on the last Sunday of June to celebrate the Sao Pedro, with night festivities in the Outeiro plaza and a procession in Vila Nova do Corvo. On the third Sunday of July, there is another celebration to honor the Holy Family with a lively procession. 

However, the largest celebration of all takes place on August 15th every year to honor Our Lady of Miracles. During these celebrations, along with processions, you will find amazing cuisine, music, and an authentic Azorean atmosphere.

6. Day trip to Flores 

Flores is only a 40-minute ferry away that costs less than €10. One of the most remote islands in the Azores, Flores is the perfect spot for nature lovers. Its name translates to “flowers” for a reason. During the summer months, Flores island is covered with thousands of blue and pink hydrangeas, as well as yellow goldenrods.

Less than 4,000 people live on this island, making it a quaint destination to experience the Azorean way of life. The island spans a 141.4 km2 surface, making it a small island that is easy to drive around through. From natural pools to the seven lakes and natural pools, this island is the perfect spot for a full island experience. Here are some of our favorite activities in Flores: 

  • Swim in the Poço do Bacalhau, located in Fajã Grande. You can swim in this pool surrounded by cliffs and let the 90-meter waterfall fall on you.
  • Visit the seven lakes, blue and green lakes that span the Caldera of Flores. The largest lake is Lagoa Negra which is over 100 meters deep.
  • Hike a trail from the seven lakes viewpoint to Poço do Bacalhau. It’s only 7 kilometers long and takes around 3 hours. 
  • Book a canyoning experience for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, where you’ll jump into pools and slide between rocks to experience the landscape to its fullest.
Flores. Photo by Pedro (Flickr)

Travel Guide to Flores, Azores

Lisbon with Kids: 7 Things to Do in Lisbon with Kids

Traveling with kids can be stressful. Luckily, Lisbon is a very child-friendly capital and your trip to Lisbon can be stress-free if you plan accordingly. Lisbon gets over 4 million tourists a year, many of which are little ones. This cosmopolitan city with great cultural heritage, architecture, and cuisine caters to those of all ages, despite what most might think. 

From fun family activities like the “hippo” amphibious sightseeing tour to independent activities for just the kids, the options are endless. Let’s take a look at the 7 best things to do in Lisbon with kids to make your trip memorable.

Travel Guide to Lisbon

1. Ride the “Hippo” Amphibious Sightseeing Tour of Lisbon

Our top activity to do with kids in Lisbon is this “Hippo” tour, an amphibious sightseeing guided tour of Lisbon. The tour starts off in a vehicle that appears to be a bus, covering top attractions such as the Commerce Square and Avenida da Liberdade.

The “Hippo” bus later on rides onto the Tagus River, transforming into a boat! This trip is thus set to shock your kids in a positive way. Sailing through the Tagus River, you get a unique view of Lisbon from the water, passing by the Belem Tower and the Monument of the Discoveries.

There is an English and Portuguese guide available that will tell you all about the places you see and the history of Lisbon. However, keep in mind that only children over 2 years old are allowed on this tour.

Book the “Hippo” Amphibious Tour

2. Visit the Lisbon Oceanarium

The Oceanário de Lisboa in Parque das Nações, the city‘s aquarium, is one of the largest in Europe. This place has over 8,000 creatures from 500 species, making it the perfect activity for a date or family day. Over 17 million visitors from 140 countries have visited the aquarium since it opened in 1998. Every year, over 1 million people visit the aquarium.

The Oceanário de Lisboa is divided into 4 separate bodies of water, representing the North Atlantic, Antarctic, Temperate Pacific, and Tropical Indian Ocean. From cute otters to sharks, this aquarium has every animal you want to see. Buy your ticket here to skip the line at the entrance and enjoy free cancellation.

Lisbon Oceanarium. Photo by Max Kukurudziak (Unsplash)

Buy Lisbon Oceanarium Tickets

3. Tuk Tuk tour of the Portuguese capital

This is one is especially fun for those who get easily bored at museums but need an activity in Lisbon on a rainy day. Your kids are set to get excited when they see the picturesque tuk tuk that will ride on! Book this private electric tuk tuk tour of Lisbon with a local guide. This tour is an eco-friendly way to visit the best sights in the city.

The tour stops at all the major attractions such as Alfama and Mouraria, the historic neighborhoods, as well as Praca do Comercio and Belem. The tuk tuk also stops at the best Lisbon viewpoints for photo ops of the city. 

Book Private Electric Tuk Tuk Tour of Lisbon  

4. Enjoy a family beach day nearby

Kids love the beach and if you live somewhere far away from one, you’re in luck! Lisbon is only 15 minutes away from the sea and you can get there by public transportation. And you won’t be going to just any beaches, Lisbon has some of the best beaches in Europe, perfect for a city break.

Costa da Caparica is only 20 minutes away, an area with some of the best beaches in Greater Lisbon. Another alternative is going to Cascais or Sintra, where there are fewer busy beaches with loads of space.

Here are our favorite beaches near Lisbon:

  • Praia da Cornélia (Costa da Caparica)
  • Praia da Mata (Costa da Caparica)
  • Praia do Guincho (Cascais)
  • Praia da Adraga (Sintra)
  • Praia do Magoito (Sintra)
Guincho Beach. Photo by Grafi Jeremiah (Unsplash)

Book a beach experience near Lisboa

5. Tram 28

If a tour is not really your style and you are looking for a more affordable way to see the city with your family, we recommend taking the 28 tram. Although the tram is a public transport service, due to the places it rides through, think of it as a cheap tourist tour.

This tram line connects Martim Moniz with Campo do Ourique. The tram stops in popular tourist districts such as Alfama, Baixa, Estrela, and grace. In a traditional yellow tram, you will ride a scenic route through Lisbon’s narrow and steep streets, the perfect fall morning in Lisbon.

We recommend riding the train early in the morning to avoid crowds. Make sure to beware of pickpocketers!

Lisbon Tram 28. Photo by Portuguese Gravity (Unsplash)

6. Learn about Lisbon history at S. Jorge Castle

Open every day of the week, Castelo de Sao Jorge is located in Santa Maria Maior and is open to visitors. The medieval castle overlooks the historical center of Lisbon and includes guided tours in various languages, allowing your kids to learn a bit about the local history. 

The castle’s construction has an interesting history. First, a small fortress was built by the Visigoths during the fifth century. It was made larger by the Moors in the eleventh century, who invaded the Iberian peninsula.

During the reign of Afonso I of Portugal in the twelfth century, it was altered and made into an official Royal Palace. It was then completely restored in 1938 by the dictatorship of Salazar as part of a commemoration of Portuguese patriotism and independence. 

Sao Jorge Castle. Photo by Susanne Nilsson (Flickr)

Book Sao Jorge Castle Tickets to Skip the Line

7. KidZania

KidZania is literally a kid’s dream spot. Located in the UBBO shopping mall in Lisbon, KidZania is an interactive city made for children up to the age of 15 that combines fun and learning through realistic role plays.

Kids can explore a city independently, with more than 60 careers to try. Your kids can be doctors, scholars, lawyers, firefighters, and more. They earn Kidzos (the city’s currency) from their work, and they can then spend it on games. Not only is this a fun activity, but it teaches kids how to manage money and navigate the real world. 

The KidZania site in Lisbon includes a hospital, airport, factories, shops, police station, TV studio, fire department, beauty salon, and more. 

Book Tours & Activities in Lisbon

Portuguese singer Bárbara Bandeira wins MTV award at the EMAs


Portuguese singer Bárbara Bandeira won the MTV award for the Best Portuguese Act at the Europe Music Awards 2022 on Sunday. She had been previously nominated for this award in 2018 and 2020, but this is her first win at the EMAs.

The following artists were nominated for Best Portuguese Act this year: Ivandro, Julinho KSD, Syro, and T-Rex.

A Portuguese pop singer, Bárbara Bandeira participated in The Voice Kids Portugal in 2014 and has, since then, become a popular artist in Portugal. 

On MTV Portugal’s Instagram, Bárbara Bandeira responded to the award by saying, “As the saying goes, the third time’s a charm. Thank you for voting for me, thank you for all the love. I am very very happy, and I hope to continue to fill a special place in your hearts.”

The EMAs took place in Germany. The top winner of the night was considered Taylor Swift, taking home four awards – best artist, best video, best pop, and best long-form video.

Take a look at some other EMAs winners from last night:

  • Best Latin – Anitta
  • Best Song – Nicki Minaj “Super Freaky Girl”
  • Best Collaboration – David Guetta and Bebe Rexha “Im Good (Blue)”
  • Best Live – Harry Styles
  • Best K-pop – Lisa
  • Best Hip Hop – Nicki Minaj
  • Best Rock – Muse
  • Best Alternative – Gorillaz
  • Best R&B – Chlöe
  • Video for Good – Sam Smith “Unholy”
  • Biggest Fans – BTS
  • Best Push – Seventeen
  • Best New – Seventeen

6 Best Things to Do in Faial, Azores

Faial is known as the Blue Island of the Azores due to the variety of hydrangeas in different shades of blue that span the island. Faial is actually the most westernmost point in Europe, located 4.5 miles from Pico and 11 miles from Sao Jorge. 

Faial is most widely known for its marina, a meeting point for sailors navigating the Atlantic ocean. It also boasts several churches in traditional Azorean style and jaw-dropping landscapes for nature lovers. Let’s take a look at the 6 best things to do in Faial, Azores for your next Azorean getaway!

Travel Guide to Faial

1. Hike the beautiful volcanic crater of Caldeira

Covered by bushes and laurel forest, the Caldeira in Faial offers one of the best views of the Azores. This volcanic crater is 400 meters deep, and you can actually walk to the mouth of the Caldeira.

However, do not do this alone! We recommend booking this hike with a professional to do so that you do not get lost off the trail. You can also walk around the crater, which will take around 2 hours. In fact, Faial has a lot of beautiful trails to hike, such as this 10 Volcano trail that you can book here.

After visiting the Caldeira, we recommend heading south of it to Cabeco Gordo, the highest point on the island, standing at 1043 meters. Be careful on rainy days, as the terrain can be quite slippery. 

Caldeira in Faial. Photo by Hervé (Flickr)

2. Take a swim in some of the best Azorean beaches

Faial has some of the best beaches in the Azores, allowing you to take a much-needed swim after a tiring hike. The most popular beach is called Praia (Beach). This is a sandy beach that is dark in color due to the volcanic nature of the island. The beach also has changing rooms and showers!

Other beautiful black sandy beaches are the Praia do Norte and Porto Pim, which provide a gorgeous view of Mount Pico. Porto Pim is perhaps the only white sandy beaches in the Azores. It is sheltered from the wind and currents, making it a calm place to swim.

Praia do Norte is a wide stretch of black sandy beach that is also sheltered from the south by dramatic cliffs. This beach is a famous surf spot due to the large waves, so beware of the sea. 

3. Explore the city center of Faial, Horta

Horta is the city center of Faial and the perfect place for some exploring, with quaint churches everywhere. But the start of Horta is the marina, one that is known all over the world. This marina is a primary stop for boats and yachts crossing the Atlantic Ocean. 

It has a large mural where sailors from around the world paint a section to symbolize their voyage. These include paintings noting the names of their vessels, crew, and dates so that their voyage is remembered. 

Near the marina, you must visit Peter Cafe Sport, an emblematic cafe on the island that thousands have passed through. This place is known as the meeting point for sailors who are sailing the Atlantic Ocean. This place also houses the island’s scrimshaw museum, certificates carved from whale teeth and bones.

Horta. Photo by David Stanley (Flickr)

4. Visit the site of a volcanic eruption at Capelinhos

The Capelinhos is the site of a volcanic eruption that occurred on September 27, 1957. While no one was killed, the eruption that lasted for 13 months caused massive destruction on the island. This period spawned 300 seismic events, destroying 300 houses. Over 2,000 people were evacuated to the US and Canada.

This was the most recent volcanic eruption in all of the Azores. Today, you can visit the Capelinhos lighthouse and Visitors Center at the volcanic site in Faial. The volcano and the floor are the color of black volcanic rock, making this an interesting and beautiful site. 

Photo by Yoko Correia Nishimiya (Unsplash)

5. Spot some whales in a unique experience

Faial is known for being a great place in the Azores to spot some whales and dolphins. There are plenty of sea life experiences that allow you to see these magnificent creatures while still respecting marine life and being environmentally aware. 

The best season to spot some whales and dolphins is between April and October, but even then, you can never be 100% certain you will see a whale. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to see a sperm whale around 20 meters long.

For a full experience, book this tour, where you’ll get to spot some whales and dolphins, as well as learn about the whaling history of the island and visit the whaler’s museum. This tour also takes you to Capelinhos!

Photo by Andrea Zanenga (Unsplash)

Book Whale & Dolphin Experiences in Faial

6. Take the ferry to Pico for the day

Pico is only 4.5 miles away, a distance you must take advantage of when staying in Fala. The ferry from Faial (Horta) to Pico (Madalena) only takes 30 minutes and makes for an enjoyable ride. 

The second-largest island in the Azores, Pico is home to Portugal’s highest mountain, Pico mount at over 2,000 meters high. At 300,000 years old, Pico is the most recently formed island of the Azores. The Hawaii of Portugal Pico island is 46 kilometers long and is filled with exotic vegetation and astonishing sea views.

There is so much to do on this island, so if you have the time, we recommend spending a few nights instead of just a day trip. One of our favorite things to do in Pico is looking for the seawater natural pools. Our favorites are Poço da Maré do Verdugo, Ponta do Admoiro, as well as the classic Lajes do Pico Natural and São Roque do Pico pools.

Pico might be even more famous for whale watching than Faial, so we recommend booking a dolphin and whale-guided tour with a biologist here. After, head to the whaler’s museum, where you get to learn about the former whaling industry. 

While this island is most famously known for the difficult Pico hike, there are plenty of other hiking trails. The best hiking trails in Pico are Caminho das Lagoas (22 KM, 7 hours), Calheta do Nesquim (8.6 KM, 2h30), and Prainha do Norte (7.8 KM, 2h30). 

Pico, The Black Island of Azores

View Tours & Activities in Pico

DiCaprio’s film about Portugal’s wildfires coming this weekend


Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, the documentary “From Devil’s Breath” about the Portuguese fires in 2017 in Pedrógão Grande is being released on Friday. The film will be shown in the Salas Nos in Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Funchal, Lisboa, Loulé, Matosinhos, and Viseu between November 11 and 13.

“From Devil’s Breath” will also debut in the US on MSNBC on Sunday, November 13, and will be available on the streaming platform Peacock.

Five years ago, the Pedrógão Grande fires killed 66 people and injured 250 people. It is known as the deadliest fire in Portugal.

Directed by Orlando von Einsiedel, the film is part of the docuseries The Tipping Point by Trevor Noah’s producing company. The film crosses the stories of survivors of Pedrógão Grande and the ecologist Tom Crowther, that has been at the scene and researching solutions to protect people from the climate crisis. 

The film will thus include accounts by family members of those killed by the fires, such as Nadia Piazza, that lost her 5-year-old son, as well as those injured in the fires, such as Vitor Neves.

In Portugal, the tickets for the film will have a “symbolic cost of €5, and a portion of the money will be donated to a forestation project,” said Cinemas Nos. 

The first showing on Friday, in the Amoreiras movie theater in Lisbon, will include a debate about the climate crisis with Miguel Costa Matos from the Socialist Party, co-producer Catarina Fernandes Martins, and Sofia Carmo, the person responsible for the reforestation of Pedrógão Grande.


Childcare and Education in Lisbon: Best Lisbon Schools


So it’s time to plan your relocation to Lisbon, Portugal. If you have children, childcare and education are on top of your mind. The cost of education in Lisbon will be heavily determined by whether you want to put your kids in the public or private sector. If you want your children to learn English, an international school will be required. Unfortunately, these are not cheap!

However, when it comes to creches, you will likely have to place your children in a Portuguese one. These are a lot more affordable and, for some kids, completely free. Let’s take a look at a short overview of the education system in Portugal and the best international schools out there in Lisbon.

Expat Guide: Moving to Lisbon

Education System in Portugal


Nurseries, known as creches in Portugal, are for children under three years old in Portugal. According to OECD and EU23 data, children in Portugal spend 39.1 hours per week in a nursery. 

Portugal has private and IPSS creches. An IPSS is a Particular Social Solidarity Institution. As a general rule, these are always paid by the family, although the government subsidizes a part of the value in relation to the tax bracket of each family for most facilities. 

The general value for a creche in Portugal is around €200 and €300 per child. Again, this depends on your family’s tax bracket.

For example, in Cascais, a family in the first tax bracket might pay around €80 to €100, while a family in the third tax bracket might pay around €200, depending on the child’s age. 

However, the Portuguese government announced back in April of 2022 that daycares, with agreements with the social security system, would be free for all children up to one year old for the years 2022/2023. This is available regardless of tax bracket, with the measuring having started on September 1, 2022. 

Here are some popular creches in Lisbon:

  • Os Fraldas
  • Creche Maria Catita
  • Creche na Quinta
  • Babete & Companhia
  • Creche & Aparece
  • Casa do Bebe

Preschool/Kindergarten in Portugal

In preschool or kindergarten, children from the ages of three to five years old are taught to read, write, count, and draw, as well as take part in activities and sports.

State preschools are free of charge. Still, disadvantaged families are given priority due to the limited number of places. Therefore, almost 50% of Portuguese children are attending private preschools at the moment.

A private kindergarten will cost you anywhere between €350 a month to €1,800, the latter mostly for international schools. Private kindergartens always teach a foreign language and tend to have no long waiting lines.

For a public school, expect to wait for 1 to 2 years. Although these are free, meals and transport could cost you around €50 a month. 

Photo by Anton Sukhinov (Unsplash)

Compulsory Education

School only becomes compulsory from 6 to 18 years old. At six years old, basic education begins, also known as Primeiro Ciclo. 

Take a look at the stages of mandatory education in Portugal:

  • Primeiro Ciclo (1st Cycle): Ages 6 to 10 (1st to 4th grade)
  • Segundo Ciclo (2nd Cycle): Ages 10 to 12 (5th and 6th grade)
  • Terceiro Ciclo (Third Cycle): Ages 12 to 15 (7th to 9th grade)
  • Ensino Secundario: Ages 15 to 18 (10th to 12th grade)
Photo by Taylor Flowe (Unsplash)

5 Best International Schools in Lisbon

Let’s take a look at the best schools in Lisbon for a variety of ages. From French, German, American, and British schools, finding an international school for your child in Portugal come with endless options. Most private schools offer pre-schools but do not have creches for kids under 3. We will take a look at the best creches in Lisbon in the next section.

1. German School

The German School is a private Portuguese and German-speaking school, one of the best schools in the country. Founded in 1848, the school is the second oldest German school in a foreign country.

The school is divided into three parts, a Kindergarten and a Primary School in Lisbon and Estoril, as well as a secondary school in Telheiras, Lisbon. The school has a little over 1,000 students and a staff of 145 teachers and educators.

Made up of 8 buildings, the primary school and social sciences have their own buildings. The school also has a library with around 12,000 books, 2 IT rooms, an auditorium, as well as a pool and terrace.

German School Tuition Fees

  • Kindergarten Lisbon €6,700
  • Kindergarten Estoril €7,520
  • 1st-4th Grade Lisbon €6,780
  • 1st-3rd grade Estoril €7,600
  • 5th – 9th Grade €6,800
  • 10th – 12th Grade €6,880

2. St. Julian’s School

St Julian’s is the largest British International School in Portugal. Located in Carcavelos, St Julian’s provides an international curriculum based on the English National Curriculum for students between 3 and 16 years old. The school also offers the International Baccalaureate (IB), a prestigious diploma for the remaining two years of high school.

Tthe school also has a Portuguese section where children between the ages of 6 and 15 can access the Portuguese national curriculum while still having some joint classes with international students, such as Art.

The school boasts incredible facilities, such as an 18th-century palace housing the art and music department and the dining hall, as well as an assembly place. Along with other facilities, St Julian has some of the best school sports facilities in the country. 

St. Julian’s Tuition Fees

  • Foundation to Y6 €10,749 – €14,546
  • Y7 – Y8 – Y9 €16,131
  • Y10 – Y11 €19,800
  • Y12 €25,260
  • IB Diploma Y13 €16,610

3. Lisbon Montessori School

Located in Cascais, Lisbon Montessori School offers programs for 3 to 12 years olds. The classes are mixed-age, allowing students to learn from each other, think independently, and connect with the real world.

This school is bilingual, with classes predominantly in English but with Portuguese-speaking staff as well. The school is an authentic Montessori learning organization that has been accredited by the MSA-CESS in the United States but is still speaking approval by the Portuguese Education Ministry. 

At a Montessori school, there are no grades. However, the curriculum is somewhat similar to other schools (albeit with a different approach): languages, math, sciences, history, geography, biology, arts, music, and more.

But what is Montessori? Montessori is a philosophy that allows children to develop a degree of independence and self-discipline, setting a pattern for a lifetime of good habits and confidence. This method fosters independence, cooperation, and social interaction. 

Lisbon Montessori School Tuition Fees

  • Casa Half Day: €5,850
  • Casa Full Day: €7,725 
  • Elementary: €7,975 


Known as CAISL, Carlucci American International School of Lisbon has over 700 students of 57 different nationalities, from EC3 (3 years old) to 12th grade. The curriculum includes an American collegial preparatory leading to the American High School Diploma with the option of pursuing the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB). 

CAISL has a library media center with over 40,000 print items, fully equipped science laboratory classrooms, art, and music classrooms, a state-of-the-art 450-seat theater, cafeteria, and snack bar, 1400m2 covered gymnasium, as well as more than 10,000m2 of outdoor sports fields.

There are computers in all classrooms, with one computer per student in grades 1 to 5 in the classroom and one private laptop for each student in grades 6 through 12.

CAISL Tuition Fees

  • EC3 & 4 – Kindergarten €9,144
  • Grades 1 – 2 €11,408
  • Grades 3 – 5 €12,684
  • Grades 6 – 8 €14,408
  • Grades 9 – 12 €19,372

5. The British School of Lisbon

Located in the center of Lisbon, the British School of Lisbon is based on the English National Curriculum, one that is recognized all over the world. The school caters to those in early years (3 years of age) to Year 11.

The British School of Lisbon is chartered by The Schools Trust, a United Kingdom school governance body. These ensure the school meets high standards in academic performance, employment practice, facilities, and more.

Along with a rigorous curriculum with various classes, including arts, music, and more, the school places great importance on extracurricular activities.

British School of Lisbon Tuition Fees

  • Age 3 -4 €11,300
  • Age 5 – 6 €12,810
  • Age 7 – 8 €13,750
  • Age 9 – 10 €14,050
  • Age 11 €14,535

7 Best Things to Do in Sao Jorge, Azores

The gorgeous Brown Island of the Azores, Sao Jorge features vivid green landscapes that contrast with the dark blue ocean surrounding it. This volcanic island is part of the Triangle Islands with Pico and Faial but is most well-known for its iconic fajas that make up quaint villages and natural pools.

From wonderful hiking trails and natural pools to discovering the cultural heritage of Sao Jorge, the brown island has so much to offer. Let’s take a look at the 7 best things to do in Sao Jorge, Azores so your next trip can be one to remember.

Travel Guide to Sao Jorge

1. Visit the coffee plantation in Sao Jorge

You might not associate coffee with the Azores, but that’s where you’re wrong! Sao Jorge is the home of the only coffee plantation in Europe. Located in Fajã dos Vimes, Cafe Nunes is owned by a family who opened the cafe at the plantation in 1997 and has some delicious coffee for you to try.

However, fun fact! Coffee was not naturally grown in the Azores. The locals believe that someone who visited Brazil brought back some coffee beans in the late 18th century. Since then, this family has been growing their own coffee plants and making a richly flavored coffee that is a must-try.

You can buy bags of coffee to take home, as well as visit the artisanal shop that sells handmade tapestries and carpets.

2. Hike stunning trails on the Azorean island

The beautiful island of Sao Jorge has some of the best hiking trails in the Azores. Exploring some of the island’s 10 hiking trails is a great experience for nature lovers. Make sure to hike on “official” trails that are taken care of by the Azores Tourism Broad.

These are properly maintained and signed with hiking markers throughout so people do not get lost. You can look up the official hike trails here.

Our favorite hike takes you to the Caldeira do Santo Cristo and is 9.5 km long, perfect for a morning activity. We also recommend the following hike trails: Serra do Topo (5.5 KM, 2h30) and Fajã de Além (4.7 KM, 3H).

3. Discover Velas

You can’t go to Sao Jorge without exploring Velas. Velas is a municipality in São Jorge where around 6,000 people live, meaning that most people on the island live in this village. Velas translates to sails and is rumored to pay homage to the sailing ships that have passed through the municipality.

Visit the sports marina that features a Sea Gate created in 1799. There are also many churches to explore, such as São Jorge Church, a 16th-century building, and Conceição church, located in a convent.

Velas also features a large Cultural Center, a modern building with an auditorium, a cinema, and a library.

If you come to Velas at the right time, you might be able to witness Azorean culture at its finest. A culture week occurs every summer in Velas, the main village of the island where local traditions and cultures are celebrated with local concerts and bullfights.

Velas, Sao Jorge. Photo by Pedrik (Flickr)

4. Explore the iconic fajas

Many Azorean islands feature fajas, but usually only a maximum of two in a single island. São Jorge tops any other island, featuring more than 40 of these!

If you are wondering what these are, Fajas are small plains located at sea level which were once created by lava flows. You must visit our favorite faja, Faja do Ouvidor, the one that locals go to the most.

It’s home to the Poca Simao Dias, the most amazing swimming hole on the island. The water is clear, and you can even jump onto the water from low rocks. However, make sure the tide is safe and that you can jump without getting hurt. 

Photo by Karim Sakhibgareev (Unsplash)

5. Day trip to Faial

Luck you, Sao Jorge is part of the Triangle Islands with Pico and Faial. Each island has a unique culture, so we recommend taking at least one day to explore each.

Let’s start with Faial! The ferry from Sao Jorge (Calheta) to Faial (Horta) takes around 2h30 minutes. 

Faial is nicknamed the Blue Island because of the hydrangeas in different shades of blue that span the landscapes of the island. 15,000 people live on this island of 67 square miles, making it a cosmopolitan island that still features activities for nature lovers.

But what to do when you get to Faial? We recommend exploring the city of Horta. The Horta marina has a large mural where sailors from around the world paint a section to symbolize their voyage.

Also, head to Peter Cafe Sport, an emblematic cafe on the island that thousands have passed through. There are also many quaint traditional churches that are beyond Insta-worthy. 

If you are a nature lover, we recommend booking this hike with a professional to go down the caldeira. You can also walk around the crater which will take around 2 hours. In fact, Faial has a lot of beautiful trails to hike, such as this 10 Volcano trail that you can book here.

Do not miss the Capelinhos, the site of a volcano that erupted in 1958 on the western side of the island. This section of the island was only created 60 years ago after the eruption.

Travel Guide to Faial

Capelinhos, Faial. Photo by Rui Amaro (Unsplash)

View Tours & Activities in Faial

6. Day trip to Pico

Known as the Black Island of the Azores, Pico is like the Hawaii of the Azores. Home to the highest mountain in Portugal, it features exotic vegetation, UNESCO-designated vineyards, and beautiful sea views. The ferry from Sao Jorge (Calheta) to Pico (Madalena) is only 1h45 minutes.

There is so much to do in Pico! Pico has some of the nicest seawater natural pools. We recommend the Poço da Maré do Verdugo, Ponta do Admoiro, as well as the classic Lajes do Pico Natural and São Roque do Pico pools.

The island is also famous for its whale-watching, we recommend booking a dolphin and whale guided tour with a biologist here.

Pico was once a whale hunting spot, although luckily, this practice has been outlawed. However, you can learn a lot about this time on the island at the  Museu dos Baleeiros in Portuguese. The Whalers Museum is a must-see, close to Lajes Port. The museum is situated in three boathouses from the 19th century.

Hiking in Pico is also a great experience. The best hiking trails in Pico are Caminho das Lagoas (22 KM, 7 hours), Calheta do Nesquim (8.6 KM, 2h30), and Prainha do Norte (7.8 KM, 2h30). 

We also recommend hiking up Mount Pico, the highest mountain in all of Portugal, if you are up for it. You can book a guided hike here, where you will also learn about the geology, fauna, and flora of the mount.

Travel Guide to Pico

View Tours & Activities in Pico

7. Taste Azorean cuisine

São Jorge features innovative cuisine made from local dairy, vegetable, and meat products. We recommend trying the traditional clams, cheese, limpets, cataplana, and any meat dish. Also, try out the Especies de Sao Jorge, a delicious local biscuit. If you are looking for the best restaurants in Sao Jorge to try out some Azorean food, here are our favorites:

  • Fornos de Lava
  • O Branquinho
  • Restaurante Velense
  • O Caseiro
  • Restaurante Amilcar

Winter Guide to Lisbon: Winter Activities in Lisbon 2023

Winters is a time that is too often neglected by tourists in Lisbon. Hoards of tourists travel to Lisbon in the Spring and Summer while not taking advantage of Portugal’s moderate winter season and more affordable prices. While it does occasionally rain and nights can get quite chilly, Lisbon’s winters do not compare to a lot of other European countries, being a lot milder.

The capital still boasts many activities to enjoy in the winter, many of which are crowded during the warmer months. On top of that, you get to experience Christmas in a brand-new city full of life, lights, and colors!

Travel Guide to Lisbon

Lisbon in Winter: Lisbon Weather in Winter

Winter is the coldest season in Lisbon, but the city still enjoys moderate temperatures compared to others in Europe. Even in the coldest month of January, temperatures range between 8° and 15°C (46-59°F). While it tends to rain quite a lot in December, the months of January and February tend to have less rain. When it does rain, it tends to rain hard for a few minutes and then stop, so you rarely deal with a constant drizzle. 

Weather in Portugal

7 Best Lisbon Winter Activities

Let’s take a look at the 7 best Lisbon winter activities for your next trip to the Portuguese capital during the low season.

1. Pasteis de Belem

Pasteis de Belem welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors annually, a short walk from the Jeronimos Monastery, selling over 20,000 Portuguese custard tarts daily – the original ones. It is the perfect place for a cold winter afternoon.

While it first opened as a factory, today, it features a shop with take-out service and a cafe to sit down and enjoy the specialty of the Portuguese custard tart. Along with the traditional pastel de nata, visitors can also try out other specialties such as the English cake, Belem marmalade, king cake, and more. 

While Pasteis de Belem is the best place for a Portuguese custard tart, why not make your very own winter food tour? Discover the best Portuguese custard tart spots and choose your favorite. The other best places in Lisbon for the pastel de nata are:

  • Manteigaria
  • Confeitoria Nacional
  • Fabrica da Nata
  • Pastelaria Santo Antonio
  • Pastelaria Versailles
Photo by Samantha Gollnick (Unsplash)

Book Pastel de Nata Workshop

2. Christmas market at Wonderland Lisboa

Wonderland Lisboa opens on December 1 until January 2 in Parque Eduardo VII in the center of Lisbon for its 7th edition. If you are a Christmas fanatic, this is the place for you. You will find a quaint Christmas market, a large Ferris wheel with warm cabins, an ice skating ring, and more.

At the market, you can find clothes, regional products, accessories, and more. There are a bunch of Portuguese food stalls, as well as international cuisine. Kids can take photos with Santa!

Photo by F Delventhal (Unsplash)

3. Fado show

What better way to celebrate saudade and emotion on a cozy winter night than with fado? With over a decade of experience, Fado in Chiado was one of the first places to host a daily live traditional fado show, accompanied by a guitar and viola, with two singers and a feminine and masculine voice for a full Portuguese experience.

The show is a little less than an hour in the Chiado district, and you will get to experience the melancholic vibes of the traditional musical genre of fado. Book this ticket to skip the line to this iconic cultural experience. Drinks are not included in the ticket price, but we recommend ordering a classic Port wine. 

Book ticket here to skip the line

4. Cirque du Soleil Crystal

Cirque du Soleil meets ice skating, what’s more Christmassy than that? Starting December 22 until January 1 in Altice Arena, Cirque du Soleil Crystal is a new and unique experience that is set to sell out. 

You will be able to watch world-class ice skaters and acrobats challenging the laws of gravity with outstanding acrobatics. This is rumored to blow the minds of those lucky enough to grab a ticket. A first-time show, Cirque du Soleil Crystal, is directed by Shana Carroll and Sebastien Soldevilla. 

5. Beach stroll

Beaches in winter? Definitely in Portugal! You might not want to take a dip in the cold ocean, but winter days are often a great time to explore some beaches. Particularly on more gloomy and foggy days, Portuguese beaches have a unique charm that is like no other.

You will find people walking their dogs, reading, and taking long walks by the sea. However, do bring a warm jacket and maybe even some tea.

Luckily, Lisbon is located close to some amazing beaches. Costa da Caparica is only 20 minutes away, an area with some of the best beaches in Greater Lisbon. Another alternative is going to Cascais or Sintra, where there are fewer busy beaches with loads of space.

Costa da Caparica. Photo by Fabian Keller (Unsplash)

20 Best Beaches in Portugal

6. Try some of the best wines in the world

Lisbon has amazing wines that will warm you up on a cold rainy day. In fact, Portugal has some of the highest-quality wines in the world. Lisbon has wine bars at every corner with incredibly affordable prices where you can try out unique flavors, from port wine to red wine. This is the perfect activity for a cozy afternoon, where you can have wines paired with regional cheeses and bread.

We recommend booking this 3-hour tasting, where you can try Portuguese pastries, cheese, and wines from the Alentejo.

For a premium experience, book this tasting, where you’ll get to taste five different artisanal kinds of cheese, sausages, and ham, as well as five Portuguese wines.

For a super cheap option, visit the Wines of Portugal Tasting Room in Terreiro do Paço. This is a large modern tasting room with shared tables and wine starting at €1.

Photo by Matthieu Joannon (Unsplash)

Book a wine tasting in Lisbon

7. Take the scenic route of the number 28 Tram

One of the best ways to see Lisbon in the winter is on the number 28 tram. Although the tram is a public transport service, due to the places it rides through, think of it as an affordable tourist tour. This way, you will also be sheltered from the rain and cold!

This tram line connects Martim Moniz with Campo do Ourique. The tram stops in popular tourist districts such as Alfama, Baixa, Estrela, and grace. 

In a traditional yellow tram, you will ride a scenic route through Lisbon’s narrow and steep streets, the perfect fall morning in Lisbon.

We recommend riding the train early in the morning to avoid crowds. Make sure to beware of pickpocketers!

Fall in Lisbon
Tram 28. Photo by Portuguese Gravity (Unsplash)

Christmas in Portugal

Christmas is probably the biggest and most important holiday in Portugal. The streets of Lisbon are lit up with Christmas lights, people gather at the best bakeries to buy Bolo Rei (King’s Cake), and families spend precious time together.

While Portugal is a predominantly Catholic country, Christmas is not all about religion. Many families that are not necessarily Catholic or even Christian will celebrate Christmas as a way to spend time together. 

There are two main events: the night of the 24th of December and the 25th. In Portugal, it’s customary for families to gather for dinner on the 24th and open presents that night, sometimes waiting for midnight. The next day, Christmas Day, is often more laid back than the night before with a traditional Christmas lunch. In Portugal, the night of the 24th is usually the most important. 

Photo by Gareth Harper (Unsplash)

Lisbon Winter: What to Pack

While winters in Portugal are not as cold as elsewhere, you will still need to pack accordingly. Here is a list of items to pack for Lisbon in the winter:

  • Jeans
  • T-shirts
  • Long-sleeve sweaters
  • Warm hoodies
  • Scarf
  • Warm shoes and/or sneakers
  • Boots
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen (the sun is strong even in winter)
  • Warm jacket
  • Raincoat with hood

Does it snow in Portugal?

To the surprise of many tourists, it does snow in Portugal! However, you won’t find any snow in Lisbon, as it only snows in a few areas in mountainous zones up north. The most common place to see snow in Portugal is in the Serra da Estrela mountains. While it might snow sporadically in other areas, the snow never tends to stick.

Serra da Estrela is the highest mountain range in all of continental Portugal and is 100 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide.

At the peak of the winter season, there is around 114 mm of snow. Serra da Estrela even boasts its own ski resort!

Still, as temperatures warm globally, it is snowing less every year. Furthermore, if you are expecting an Italian ski resort, think again. While skiing and other ski sports are possible in Serra da Estrela, the amount and quality of snow are not the same as in other countries.

serra da estrela average snow days a week

Travel Guide – Serra da Estrela