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Almost 40% of Portuguese believe Ukraine war will last over a year


The population of Portugal is becoming increasingly worried about the timeframe of the war in Ukraine. A study by Aximage in Portugal found that 39% of respondents believe the war in Ukraine will last over a year, according to the DN. In March, the number was just 16%. 82% of Portuguese people also feel that the war has impacted their personal life, a 23% increase since March.

The percentage of people that believe the war will last between six months to one year has doubled from 13% in March to 26% in May. Only 18% think the war will last less than six months, a percentage that was at 30% in March.

The study found that women (87%) feel the impact of the war more than men (77%), as well as people over 50 years old (by 93% for those between 50 and 64 and 76% for those over 65).

A loss of purchasing power was the main effect felt by 75% of those that feel impacted by the war in Portugal. In the study, many said they stopped buying certain products or started using public transportation, both activities that were reduced by 1% in the space of a month.

Over half of the respondents (55%) believe that the European Union’s (EU) help to the Ukrainian people is “enough”, particularly women. In March, 51% said the EU’s support was enough and 49% did not. Trust in NATO decreased by 14% to 49% between March and May.

The study also considered the sanctions against Russia to support Ukraine. Of the 45% of respondents that do not believe the EU’s support is enough, 54% support more severe sanctions against Russia. Moreover, the percentage of Portuguese that agree with the suspension of purchasing coal, oil, or gas from Russia decreased by 4% to 34%.

Most Portuguese people (62%) seem to look daily for information on the Ukraine war, particularly those over 65 years old (79%) and between the ages of 50 to 64 (69%). 93% of respondents get their news on the war through television, particularly women (94%) and those over 50 (95%). However, over half of those between the age of 18 and 34 prefer to obtain their information on social media.

The study was conducted through 805 interviews between May 19 and 24.

Proposal to end Portugal golden visa rejected


The Left Bloc (BE) and the Portuguese Communist Party’s (PCP) proposals to end the Portugal Golden Visa scheme were rejected on Tuesday, during the debate for the State Budget 2022. It seems the Portuguese left’s wish to end the golden visa will not come true any time soon.

The BE said on Twitter that “the golden visas only serve the oligarchs that want to launder their fortunes. They do not serve the population in any part of the country, only hurts them”. Mariana Mortagua from BE said in the debate that “We know who the golden visas serve and we know who buys them and for what: China, Angola, Russia. Autocratic regimes where parasitic elites germinate that go shopping for real estate in Europe in exchange for a residence visa and the opportunity to launder their money”.

The PCP argued that the Portugal Golden Visa has not benefited the country, reminding parliament of the current data available. Until December of 2021, 10,254 residence visas were provided, with 9,585 from property investment, 649 from a capital transfer, and only 20 for job creation. The PCP says that “there was almost no productive investment or job creation” but rather “there is a clear contribution to real estate”, making it harder for the population to afford housing.

A proposal to end the non-habitual tax residency was also presented by the PCP on Wednesday, but this was rejected. The proposal said that the regime promotes an “unacceptable situation of fiscal injustice, privileging non-habitual residents, with access to lower taxes than those applied to residents”.

Guide to NHR Tax Regime

What is the Portugal Golden Visa?

The Portugal Golden Visa was created in 2012 to boost foreign investment and many argue it is one of the most attractive golden visa programs in the world. It allows non-EU citizens to qualify for a residency permit and eventually citizenship through investment. You do not need to live in Portugal to be eligible for the visa, you just need to stay in the country for at least 7 days in the first year and 14 days in the subsequent years. With a Portugal Golden Visa, you can follow the non-habitual resident tax regime if you would like which for some allows for a 20% flat tax rate.

Guide to the Portugal Golden Visa

16 Interesting Facts About Cristiano Ronaldo

Born and bred in Madeira, Cristiano Ronaldo is the most famous person to come out of Portugal, as well as the most followed person on Instagram with 446 million followers. To many, he is the best player in the world. Get to know CR7 with these 17 interesting facts you might not know about!

1. Cristiano Ronaldo grew up working class

Cristiano Ronaldo did not come from money. He was born in the Sao Pedro parish of Funchal and is the fourth and youngest child of an impoverished Portuguese family. His mother was a cook and his dad was a gardener who struggled with alcoholism and died in 2005 from liver failure. In her book “Mother Courage”, Ronaldo’s mother Dolores Aveiro details how she considered terminating her pregnancy with Ronaldo due to poverty and her husband’s issues with alcohol.

2. You can study the sociology of Cristiano Ronaldo at the University of British Columbia Okanagan

In 2015, BC Okanagan Associate Professor Luis LM Aguiar made the media by announcing his Sociology fourth-year course about Cristiano Ronaldo. The professor believed “Ronaldo’s social and cultural appeal transcends football, making him an interesting study”. He told UBC News, “I’m interested in how Ronaldo has been used to construct several discourses about who he is, what makes him distinct as a footballer, what is his relationship to Portugal, Madeira, and his Portuguese identity”. The course addresses issues of identity, nationality, and representation, and discusses the phenomenon of Ronaldo across the Portuguese diaspora.

3. Ronaldo is a billionaire

Not only is Cristiano Ronaldo the richest soccer player in the world, but he is also the first soccer player billionaire. According to Forbes, in 2020 he actually became the first active team-sport athlete to surpass $1 billion in career earnings. He definitely does not live the impoverished life he once did. He owns at least 8 homes and is building a retirement mansion, having a property empire of over $54 million. From a limited edition $10.7 million dollar Bugatti Centodieci and a large collection of luxury cars, Ronaldo lives the life of the 1%.

4. He was named after Ronald Reagan

This one is a random one! Cristiano Ronaldo told GQ, “My parents named me after [Ronald Reagan] because they both liked this name and thought it sounded strong”. He said his “father admired him” way long before Reagan became the President of the United States as he was his favorite actor.

5. CR7’s nickname growing up was Little Bee and Cry Baby

As a kid, Ronaldo was nicknamed “cry baby” by his family and friends as he used to cry when he passed the ball and his friends wouldn’t score, according to his mom. They also called him Little Bee because of how fast he was which remains true to this day.

6. Cristiano has scored over 800 goals in his career

Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 807 career goals, making him the highest ever goalscorer in the history of men’s soccer. Lionel Messi is 48 goals away from Ronaldo, but you never know if he will catch up due to their 3-year difference. The previous record-holder was Josef Bican scoring 805 goals between 1931 and 1955.

7. He reached 32.51 km/h in a match against West Ham in 2021

In September of 2021, Ronaldo clocked 32.51 km/h to become the fastest football player to do so in any match, in a game against West Ham. He beat the likes of his Manchester United teammate Aaron Wan-Bissaka and West Ham United forward Jarrod Bowen.

8. When Ronaldo jumps, he generates 5 times the power of a cheetah

When Ronaldo jumps in a match, he generates 5 times the power of a cheetah in full flight, allowing him to reach 44 centimeters in the air from a standing start and 78 centimeters with a run-up. This is 7 centimeters more than the average NBA player!

9. He had heart surgery at the age of 15

Cristiano Ronaldo was diagnosed with Tachycardia, a term for a rapid heartbeat of over 100 times per minute. This can lead to stroke or heart failure so, at the age of 15, he underwent heart surgery. His mother told the Daily Mail in 2009 that the doctors “used a sort of laser to cauterize the source of the problem and that “he was operated on in the morning and came out at the end of the afternoon”. He was able to play soccer again within a few days after the surgery.

10. The CR7 Museum in Funchal celebrates his life

Founded in 2013, the CR7 Museum is located in his birthplace in Funchal, Madeira, and celebrates the soccer player’s career and life. At the museum, you will find photos from Cristiano’s childhood up until now, as well as the trophies and medals he won and even soccer balls from matches he played! Above the museum stands a 4-star hotel built in partnership between Ronaldo and Pestana Group called the Pestana CR7 Funchal.

Book Private Cristiano Ronaldo Tour with CR7 Museum

11. He has vowed to never get tattoos

Cristiano Ronaldo has zero tattoos, not even a tiny one! He regularly donates blood and does not want to have to wait months after a tattoo to be able to donate. He is also registered as a bone marrow donor.

12. Cristiano Ronaldo was arrested in 2005 on charges of rape

In 2005, Ronaldo was arrested over the alleged rape of two women at a London hotel. He denied the allegations and the case was dropped by Scotland Yard due to insufficient evidence. He was then accused of allegedly raping a woman in 2009 in Las Vegas, but Ronaldo claimed they had consensual sex. The story only came out in 2017, when the German newspaper Der Spiegel revealed a non-disclosure agreement dating from January 2010 was signed with a payment of $375,000 providing the alleged victim did not go public with the allegation. As no criminal case ever came to a conclusion, Ronaldo has never been found either guilty or acquitted of any rape allegations.

13. He won a libel payout against The Daily Telegraph in 2010

In 2008, the Daily Telegraph claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo put an injured ankled at risk by partying in a Hollywood nightclub. The article said he put down his crutches to dance with models, causing offense and embarrassment. In a libel court case against the paper, the Daily Telegraph said the allegations were false and offered Ronaldo a libel payout that he accepted in 2010. In 2008, he also accepted undisclosed damages from the Sun, which claimed he had been fined for breaking Manchester United’s club rules when using a phone during training. He ended up donating the damages to a charity in Madeira.

14. Cristiano Ronaldo’s legs were insured for over €100 million

In 2009, Real Madrid announced that the team had insured Cristiano Ronaldo’s legal for around €100 million. This is not the most expensive body part insurance in soccer, as Lionel Messi’s left foot is insured at €750 million.

15. He has a lifetime endorsement deal with Nike

As of 2016, Ronaldo has had a lifetime endorsement deal with Nike worth $1 billion. He is the third lifetime deal after LeBron James and Michael Jordan. This might seem expensive but Forbes reported that in 2016, Ronaldo’s social media presence generated $474 million in value for Nike via 329 posts. This was when he had 240 million followers across platforms and today, he has 395 million on Instagram alone, making him the most followed person on the platform.

16. He met his partner Georgina Rodriguez when she was working at Gucci in 2016

Cristiano met Georgina at the Gucci store in Madrid where she was working as a shop assistant. Georgina was 22 years old and Ronaldo was 31 years old. The couple has been together for 6 years and a large family with five children, Cristiano Junior, 11 years old, the twins Eva and Mateo, 4 years old, Alana Martina, 4 years old, and now a baby boy. The baby girl was a twin to a baby boy who tragically passed away at birth in April of 2022.

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PM says Portugal is one of the safest countries in the world


Prime Minister Antonio Costa took to Twitter on Wednesday to say that “Portugal remains one of the safest countries in the world. This is extremely important for who lives here and who visits us, but also essential for an environment that attracts investment, promoting the growth and progress of our country”. The Prime Minister congratulated law enforcement professionals for their dedication, “24 hours of the day, every day of the year”.

His statement comes after the release of the Annual Report of Internal Security (RASI) 2021 which says that violent and serious crime is 10% lower than the average in 2016 and 2019. Violent and serious crime represents 4% of all crimes reported and investigated in 2021.

However, crime in general increased by 0.9% in 2021 to 301,934 cases. Certain crimes also increased substantially, including youth crime, group crime, and rape in comparison to 2020.

Group crime increased by 7.7% to 4,997 cases and youth crime increased by 7.3% to 1,120 cases. Group crime is a crime committed by three or more suspects, regardless of the nature o the crime. Its increase is the second largest in the last decade after it increased in 2019 by 15.9%. Youth crime refers to crimes committed by individuals between 12 to 16 years old and there is an increase in violent crimes in this age group.

Rape increased by 26% in Portugal in 2021, being one of the largest increases in violent and serious crimes. There were 315 cases of rape reported in 2020 and 397 cases in 2021. According to RASI, the defendants are mostly men between the ages of 21 and 30 and the victims are women of the same age. In 46% of the cases, the defendant and victim knew each other.

Along with a decrease in violent and serious crime, domestic violence decreased by 3.9%, as well as thefts in homes (-8.2%).

The districts with the most incidents of crime are Lisbon (72,183), Porto (47,552), Setubal (28,679), and Faro (20,788). However, Porto saw a decrease of 2.9% for the year 2021, with around 3,000 fewer cases than in 2020. Other areas with the largest decrease in crime were Portalegre (-8.5%) and Madeira (-7.9%).

11 Best Gay Bars and Clubs in Lisbon

Lisbon is one of the most LGBT friendliest European capitals, particularly the areas of Bairro Alto and Principe Real. The city is filled with iconic gay bars and an underground drag scene, as well as a diverse community of queer people. One of the oldest cities in Western Europe, Lisbon has always had an underground gay scene. In the 18th century, writer William Beckford escaped England after allegations that he was gay and moved to Sintra, in Greater Lisbon. Today, Lisbon is a welcoming European capital for LGBT people, hosting Gay Pride every year in June.

However, this was not always the case. During the fascist dictatorship of Salazar, homophobia was widespread, and heteronormative family values were imposed. A few years after the Carnation Revolution on the 25th of April, 1974, the once underground LGBT scene came out into the real world, with various bars popping up, particularly in Lisbon. Let’s go through our top LGBT+ bars and clubs in Lisbon, just in time for Lisbon Pride 2022.

LGBT Guide to Portugal

1. Trumps

Trumps is one of the most iconic queer clubs in all of Portugal, founded almost 80 years ago in the 80s. Located in Principe Real, the club is mostly full on Saturday nights and plays house and dance music, as well as pop. Known for its quality drag queen nights, this club is a key player in the capital’s queer scene and history. However, Trumps welcomes all and is actually quite popular with straight women. The club also hosts art exhibitions and cultural events showcasing queer art during the day. Internationally renowned artists have performed at Trumps including Fergie and Conchita Wurst, as well as queer Portuguese icons such as the one and only António Variações.

Photograph: Marta Ribeiro. Provided by establishment.
Photograph: Marta Ribeiro. Provided by establishment.

2. Finalmente

Finalmente opened its doors in 1976 and opened the doors to a rich queer nightlife, after decades of an oppressive dictatorship. Finalmente is known for having some of the highest quality drag in the country. You’ll get to watch lip-sync performances, as well as performances with up-and-coming drag talents. This place is a small venue, but don’t let that put you off, it will make you feel you are a part of the Portuguese drag community. You can catch a drag show every night at 3 am and the club is open until 6 am.

3. Posh Lisbon

Created by businessman Stefan Matarozzo who worked in the industry for over 10 years, Posh Lisbon is a queer Lisbon nightclub that is committed to creativity and professionalism. With drag nights, as well as theme nights such as stripper nights, Posh Lisbon provides a unique queer night out. From pop, Brazilian music, and more, you will find an event for you at Posh Lisbon.

Photo provided by establishment

4. Shelter Bar

Shelter Bar is a Bear Bar in Principe Real. In gay culture, a bear is a larger and hairier man who reflects an image of “masculinity”. Think of a Lumberjack with a full beard, that’s what a bear looks like. However, Shelter Bar is open to all, so no need to grow a beard. This place offers a 2 for 1 happy hour, as well as food for after those messy nights. From house to pop and 80s, you’ll find a night for every music taste at Shelter Bar.

5. Purex

Located in Bairro Alto, Purex is a gay and lesbian bar with quirky vintage decor and a vibrant environment. On the weekends, Purex bar’s dance floor is filled with visitors of all ages, as well as tables for socializing. Featuring affordable prices, make sure to visit Purex on your next night out in Bairro alto and look out for their theme nights!

6. Cru

Cru is a gay bar that features fetish parties, as well as raunchy naked and underwear nights. Entry is 5 euros including a locker for your belongings and the bar features a bar with drinks and snacks, as well as darkrooms and cabins. They also feature a sex shop selling condoms, lube, and more.

7. Side Bar

Located on a popular corner of Bairro alto, Side Bar offers a variety of cocktails in a friendly and inviting environment. This place is open in the afternoon until 2 am, featuring music at night for some dancing. Although it is quite a small space, you can take your drink outside and mingle with the rest of the queer community in Lisbon.

8. Tr3s

Serving the LGBT+ community since 2010, Tr3s was elected one of the 10 best bear bars in the world by Bear World Magazine. The perfect spot to organize a birthday party or visit on a themed party night, this place is often busy and vibrant. Located in the gay heart of the city, Principe Real, Tr3s also features an outdoor terrace to have a drink after work, which many other bars do not have.

9. Primas Bar

Primas Bar might look like a classic Portuguese tavern, but the juke-box bar is actually a lesbian bar, although it is welcoming to all. Located in Rua da Atalaia, this place serves Spanish cuisine, while later at night it becomes a place for dancing. While the bar gets quite full, you can take your drink outside as the street is often filled with queer people socializing and having beers.

10. Bar 106

Opened in 1990, Bar 106 is an iconic bar in the Lisbon queer scene, located in Principe Real. Before, you needed to ring the bell as this place always had its doors closed, allowing for an intimate environment. Now, they tend to keep their doors open but the great atmosphere is still present. The clientele at this place varies in age, and both locals and tourists frequent Bar 106. Some nights at the bar have a unique theme and 106 even hosts impromptu games to get people to mingle and get to know each other.

11. Lux Fragil

Founded in 1991 in Santa Apolonia, Lux Fragil is one of the most exclusive clubs in Lisbon and is renowned in Europe for its selection of electronic music DJs. While Lux is not officially a gay club, it is incredibly LGBT+ friendly. Major DJs from all over Europe play in Lux every week and the club mostly plays techno, especially downstairs. Lux offers views of the Tagus river from its balcony, as well as a rooftop terrace that opens in the summer. The dress code for Lux is not formal so no need to wear heels and a dress – you’ll be the only one. However, you should try to dress nice, even if you’re wearing sneakers.

⬇️Please share your favorite gay clubs and bars in Lisbon in the comments below⬇️

Madeira set to create cryptocurrency


The University of Madeira announced on Wednesday that it is developing a cryptocurrency to be used in Madeira, in partnership with a cybersecurity company called Naoris Protocol. The cryptocurrency is set to be developed by the new Research Center of the university, Osean. The creators are looking to replicate a cryptocurrency project in the Bahamas where the digital coin can be used to pay for a variety of different services.

The project is a partnership between the University of Madeira and the company Naoris Protocol, which specializes in cybersecurity. The CEO of Naoris Protocol David Carvalho argues that the cryptocurrency will energize the local economy, facilitating transactions and allowing money to stay in the region.

The cryptocurrency’s value will be equivalent to the euro, with David Carvalho stating its use will be simple. He said, “It will be similar to Revolut or TransferWise, except, in this case, a card is not necessary and no bank connection will exist. A person only needs an application, in any situation, to buy fruit, or pay for a hotel or restaurant. All they need is the app to read a QR code, without needing a service or machine for payment. A business only needs to have the app to receive the payment”.

The company Cypher by Holt Global Digital Banking will support the implementation of the cryptocurrency in Madeira. The president of the company, Scott MacAndrew says “that people do not need to fear the cryptocurrency” due to its security.

JM Madeira reported that the Regional Government of Madeira is not involved in the creation of the cryptocurrency or its management.

In April, the President of Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque said at the Bitcoin 2022 conference that he believes in the future of Bitcoin, vowing to “create in Madeira a fantastic environment for Bitcoin”. Other statements led audiences to believe Madeira would be accepting Bitcoin as legal tender, but this is currently not the case.

As of now, cryptocurrency is not taxed in Portugal. You will not be charged VAT or Personal Income Tax (IRS) as an individual for cryptocurrency gains. However, the new Minister of Finance Fernando Medina announced on May 13 that cryptocurrencies will be subject to taxation in the new future. While details are not yet set in place for the taxation of crypto in Portugal, the government has said the future plan will include, among others, a tax on the gains of selling cryptocurrencies.

Maternal mortality rate in Portugal highest in the last 38 years


The Directorate-General of Health of Portugal (DGS) is investigating the increase in maternal deaths as the rate is the highest in 38 years, reports the Jornal de Noticias. In 2020, the maternal mortality rate reached 20,1 deaths per 100,000 births. The only value to surpass this occurred in 1982 when 22,5 deaths per 100,000 births were recorded, according to the National Statistic Institute (INE).

In total, 17 women died in 2020 within the period stipulated by the World Health Organization to be considered maternal mortality. Of these deaths, eight occurred during pregnancy, one during childbirth, and eight during puerperium (up to 42 days after birth). All cases were caused by pregnancy, birth, and puerperium complications and were not related to the covid-19 pandemic.

The DGS told JN that since the beginning of the year the priority has been made to understanding maternal mortality rates “so that the process of investigation through an epidemiologic inquiry can be the fasted possible to guarantee the quality information necessary for the study and investigation of the phenomenon”.

Diogo Ayres-de-Campos, a specialist integrating the Commission of Maternal Mortality told JN that the increase in the maternal mortality rate can be explained by a “degradation of obstetric care”, “the increase in age of pregnant women”, and the “increase in pathologies”.

According to Our World in Data, the average maternal death rate in the European Union is 8 maternal deaths per 100,000 births. Therefore, the maternal mortality rate in Portugal is over double that of the average in the EU.

Madeira Shopping Guide: Where to Shop in Madeira?


Funchal, Madeira might not be a city known for fashion such as Lisbon or even Porto, but due to the quality of the island’s infrastructures and rich history, there are plenty of large shopping malls, as well as smaller traditional streets that have always played a large role in Funchal’s commerce. From brands such as Zara and H&M to second-hand auction houses and charity shops, living in Funchal allows you to live the island life in style. Wondering where the best places are for shopping in Funchal? This shopping guide to Madeira has everything you need to know so you are ready for your next fashion spree, such as the best shopping malls and shopping streets.

Guide to Funchal

Best Shopping Malls in Madeira

Forum Madeira

Located at the entrance of Funchal, Forum Madeira opened on April 5th, 2005, close to a residential area and the best hotels in the city. With 20,000 m2 of commercial area with 60 stores, and three floors, as well as a food court with 6 restaurants and 450 seats. The shopping center has an “outdoor” concept surrounding around a central square and features an extensive green area. You can find stores such as H&M, Massimo Dutti, Zara, and more at Forum Madeira.

La Vie Shopping Center

Located in the heart of Funchal, close to the Casino, La Vie Shopping Center features a large supermarket, an extensive food court, as well as multiple stores from fashion, interior design, and more. The shopping also features a kids club called O Petite La Vie where you can leave your kids to play under supervision while you go shopping. You can find a variety of stores such as Lanidor, Pepe Jeans, Tous, and more.

Madeira Shopping

The largest shopping mall in Madeira, Madeira Shopping is located in Funchal and features 106 stores in an area of around 26,600 m2. The space also features 16 restaurants and 7 cinema rooms. Along with stores, you can find various services such as a post office, laundry mat, and pharmacy. You can find stores such as Zara, Fnac, Bershka, and more at Madeira Shopping.

Anadia Shopping

Located in the heart of Funchal close to the Lavradores market, Anadia Shopping has 48 commercial stores, a cinema, and a large supermarket. You can find stores such as Loja do Vidro, Ale Hop, Rhode Island Surf Shop, and more.

Best Shopping Streets in Madeira

Rua do Aljube

Close to the cathedral, Rua do Aljube once catered to the upper class of Madeira, featuring expensive stores such as Maison Blanche and Phoebus, the latter still being open to this day. Today, the street features a variety of stores such as Zara, Douglas, and more.

Rua do Aljube, 1982. Photo by David Pirmann (Flickr)

Rua Fernão de Ornelas

With 200 meters long, Rua Fernao de Ornelas is one of the most iconic shopping streets in Funchal. There are only a few stores still that are over 20 years, with most of these now gone. You can find stores such as Parfois, Massimo Dutti, Intimissi, Natura, and more.

Photo by Michael Gaylard (Flickr)

Rua dos Ferreiros

One of the longest streets in Funchal, Rua dos Ferreiros was one of the busiest in the XX century. You will find many iconic buildings close by such as Palácio de Torre Bela and traditional stone floors. Today, it is home to various fashion stores such as Catita Kids, Mango, Women’s Secret, Lacoste, and more.

Second-Hand Shopping in Madeira

3 Best Vintage Stores in Madeira

1. Estimei

Estimei is essentially a charity shop that sells second-hand clothing and furniture that has been donated. From winter coats, jeans, and shirts, you can find many clothing pieces at Estimei. The store also features an atelier where materials are transformed and reutilized into products. The prices are incredibly cheap and you can find some real bargains here. The store also sells books that will be exchanged for school textbooks to support young people.

2. Leodecor

Looking for some vintage pieces for your home? Leodocor has everything you could wish for when it comes to antiques, from sculptures, paintings, large clocks, and lighting. Most pieces here are not necessarily cheap, but they are the kind of objects that will brighten and add flare to your home, as well as last you a lifetime.

3. Seculo Passado Leilões e Antiguidades

Founded in 2017, this place hosts multiple auctions for a diverse range of second-hand pieces, from furniture, clothing, watches, and even electrical appliances. The shop hosts auctions both online and in-person and they will also evaluate any piece you own at home if you would like to put it up for auction. Prices will obviously vary on the quality of the product, but you can be lucky enough to find a real bargain.

Guide to Funchal

⬇️Please share your favorite places for shopping in Funchal in the comments below ⬇️

37 confirmed cases of monkeypox in Portugal


There are 37 confirmed cases of monkeypox in Portugal and there are still more suspected cases awaiting results. 35 of these cases have been detected in the region of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo. The two other cases have been detected in the North of Portugal and the Algarve. According to the Directorate-General of Health of Portugal  (DGS), the confirmed cases belong to a less aggressive subgroup of the virus monkeypox. Last week, there were only 5 confirmed cases of monkeypox. 

The DGS has said that the 37 confirmed cases in Portugal are being monitored by the health services and remain stable. Those with suspected symptoms should avoid “physical contact with other people and sharing clothes, towels, sheets, and personal objects while having lesions or other symptoms”, according to the DGS.

Monkeypox can be transmitted via broken skin like a wound, the respiratory tract, or the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth). Margarida Tavares,  the director of the National Program for STDs and HIV for DGS has told the public to look out for symptoms such as fever, myalgia, headaches, and skin or mucosal lesions.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) confirmed 85 cases in the European Union on Monday and has recommended that countries update their diagnostic and tracking methods.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that the monkeypox virus outbreaks are containable in countries outside of Africa, where the virus is usually not detected. Experts say the overall risk to the broader population is very low, according to the BBC. 

Belgium has been the first country in Europe to introduce a mandatory quarantine of three weeks. The United Kingdom has recommended a three-week quarantine, but this is not mandatory.

Menstrual leave proposal rejected in Portugal


People Animals Nature’s (PAN) proposal for a menstrual leave for up to 3 days for “people with a uterus that suffer severe pain during menstruation” has not passed in Portugal’s parliament. The Socialist Party (PS), the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the Liberal Initiative (IL), and Enough (Chega) voted against the proposal. The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) voted in favor of the menstrual leave, while the Left Bloc (BE) and Free (Livre) abstained.

Ines Sousa Real, the only member of parliament for the party PAN, said that the proposal allows missing work for up to 3 days of the month, without “losing any rights, except for remuneration”. In essence, the menstrual leave would allow people to miss work, but not be paid.

MulherEndo, a Portuguese association that supports people with endometriosis told TSF that although it is a shame the proposal did not pass, PAN’s document did not go far enough. Susana Fonseca, the President of MulherEndo said that “the leave in the proposal by PAN did not include remuneration” and that other parties should reformulate the proposal in a more complete manner.

Moreover, under the failed proposal, to benefit from menstrual leave, workers would need to present a declaration from a doctor, health center, or hospital. Moreover, Ines Sousa Real said that “presenting to an employer a fake medical declaration” would warrant the legal conditions for firing an employee.

A member of parliament for the Socialist Party, Miguel Costa Matos argued on Twitter that the proposal was “redundant” as Portugal already has a medical leave measure with the same terms of three days, without remuneration through a doctor’s note.

The proposal by PAN was one of 1,400 amendment proposals to the State Budget 2022 drafted by parties. The members of parliament began voting on Monday on these amendments.

PAN’s proposal came after the Spanish government approved last week a draft law that grants workers the right to paid sick leave for menstrual pain derived from illnesses such as endometriosis.  The menstrual leave would allow access to leave without a limit of days and be fully paid for by social security. If this leave is enacted, Spain would be the first country in Europe to provide paid menstrual leave. Countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea already provide paid menstrual leave.