Complete Guide to the New NHR 2.0 (IFICI) Tax Regime in Portugal – 2025 Update

Written By Becky Gillespie

Portugal has introduced a new Non-Habitual Resident tax regime called the Fiscal Incentive for Scientific Research and Innovation (IFICI), commonly referred to as NHR 2.0. This program, which replaces the previous NHR scheme that ended in December 2023, is designed specifically to attract highly qualified professionals relocating to Portugal for residence and employment purposes. We previously released details about the NHR 2.0, but this guide has now been updated with more details.

The new NHR in Portugal offers substantial tax advantages to eligible individuals for a consecutive period of 10 years (non-renewable), but it is not as easy to qualify compared to the first iteration of NHR because there are stricter application deadlines and more documentation required. 

Key Benefits of NHR 2.0 in Portugal

The NHR 2.0 in Portugal offers several significant tax benefits to qualifying residents:

  • 20% flat tax rate on qualifying Portuguese-sourced employment and self-employment income
  • Tax exemption on various foreign-sourced income including: 
    • Employment income
    • Business profits
    • Interest
    • Dividends
    • Rental income
    • Royalties
    • Capital gains (subject to pending regulations)

It’s important to note that, unlike the previous scheme, the new NHR in Portugal does not provide tax advantages for foreign pensions, which are now subject to standard progressive tax rates ranging from 14.5% to 53%.

Eligibility Requirements for IFICI

To qualify for the new NHR 2.0 in Portugal, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Became a Portuguese tax resident after January 1, 2024
  • Have not been a tax resident in Portugal during the preceding five years
  • Meet specific professional and educational qualifications (detailed below)
  • Have not previously participated in the old NHR regime or other “ex-residents” programs

Qualifying Professions and Companies

Highly Qualified Professions

The IFICI program targets professionals in the following categories:

  • University professors
  • Medical doctors
  • Specialists in physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering
  • Directors of companies (board members, CEOs, executive managers)
  • Directors of administrative and commercial services
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) specialists
  • Specialists in physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering

Additionally, applicants must possess:

  • At least level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework (equivalent to a bachelor’s degree) with three years of proven professional experience, OR
  • Level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework (equivalent to a PhD/Doctorate), which waives the professional experience requirement

Qualifying Companies and Sectors

For a company to make you eligible under the NHR 2.0 in Portugal, it must:

  1. Export at least 50% of its turnover (in the fiscal year you join or in the two preceding years), AND
  2. Have its main activity within the following Portuguese CAE codes:
  • Extractive industries (divisions 05-09)
  • Transformative industries (divisions 10-33)
  • Information and communication (divisions 58-63), including:
    • Publishing activities
    • Film, video, TV production, sound recording
    • Software programming and consultancy
    • Data processing and hosting
    • News agency activities
  • Research and development of physical and natural sciences (group 721)
  • Higher education (subclass 85420)
  • Human health activities (subclasses 86100-86904)

Other qualifying routes include:

  • R&D personnel eligible for Portugal’s SIFIDE tax incentive program
  • Directors/employees of accredited Portuguese startups
  • Researchers with PhDs working on R&D projects within Portugal’s scientific network
  • Directors/employees of Portuguese-based organizations producing knowledge
  • Positions in organizations approved by IAPMEI or AICEP
  • Certain professionals in Azores & Madeira (pending specific regulations)

Application Process and Deadlines

The application process for the new NHR in Portugal has been updated with stricter deadlines and more thorough eligibility checks. Applications must be submitted by January 15 of the year following establishment of residency in Portugal. Please be aware of this when you are in the process of getting residency in Portugal.

The competent authority for application review depends on your NHR 2.0 qualification route:

NHR 2.0 RouteCompetent Authority
Board member/employee of a certified startupStartup Portugal
Highly qualified professions in companies exporting at least 50% of turnoverTax Authority
Board member/employee of entities conducting activities relevant to the national economyAICEP or IAPMEI
Eligible investments in MadeiraTo be determined

Required Documents

Applicants must submit the following documentation:

  • Proof of required academic qualifications
  • Copy of scholarship contract/scientific grant (when applicable)
  • Copy of employment contract (when applicable)
  • Up-to-date company registration certificate (when applicable)
  • Statement from the employer confirming compliance with activity requirements

Additional documentation may be requested during the application process. The Tax Authorities are expected to confirm NHR 2.0 status by March 31 each year.

Tax Treatment of Different Income Types

Under the new NHR in Portugal, different types of income receive specific tax treatment:

Foreign Source Income

  • Employment Income – Exempt from Portuguese taxation
  • Independent Work – Exempt if from a qualifying profession and sourced from a country with a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA)
  • Capital Investment Income (Interest/Dividends) – Exempt if from a country with a DTA or a non-blacklisted jurisdiction
  • Royalties – Exempt if from a country with a DTA or a non-blacklisted jurisdiction
  • Real Estate Income – Exempt if from a country with a DTA or a non-blacklisted jurisdiction
  • Capital Gains – Status currently unclear (awaiting final regulations)
  • Pension Income – Subject to standard progressive tax rates (14.5% to 53%)

Portuguese Source Income

  • Employment Income – 20% flat rate for eligible professions (or standard progressive rates if lower)
  • Self-Employment Income – 20% flat rate for eligible professions (or standard progressive rates if lower)
  • Rental Income – 28% (optional rate) or standard progressive rates
  • Capital Gains – 50% of net gains taxed at standard progressive rates
  • Pension Income – Taxed at standard progressive rates

Comparison – Old NHR vs. New NHR 2.0 in Portugal

FeatureNew NHR 2.0 (IFICI) in 2024Old NHR Regime (ended Dec 2023)
Residency RequirementNot a tax resident in Portugal for previous 5 yearsNot a tax resident in Portugal for previous 5 years
Minimum StayNo minimum stay requirementNo minimum stay requirement
Validity Period10 years (non-renewable)10 years
Employment Income (High-Value Added)20% flat rate on eligible activities20% flat rate on eligible activities
Pension IncomeExcluded from benefits (standard rates apply)10% flat rate
Rental Income & RoyaltiesExempt (if taxable abroad under DTA or OECD Tax Model)Exempt
Dividends & InterestExempt (if taxable abroad under DTA or OECD Tax Model)Exempt
Capital GainsStatus unclear (awaiting regulations)Exempt


Countries with Double Taxation Agreements

Portugal maintains Double Taxation Agreements with numerous countries worldwide, which directly impacts the tax treatment of foreign income under the new NHR in Portugal. These agreements are crucial for determining whether certain income types qualify for exemption.

Key DTA partners include:

  • European Union members
  • United States, Canada, United Kingdom
  • Major Asian economies (China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore)
  • Brazil and many other Latin American countries
  • Various Middle Eastern and African nations

(The full list includes approximately 80 countries with agreements in force)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I apply for NHR 2.0 if I was previously on the old NHR regime?

No, individuals who benefited from the previous NHR regime are not eligible for the new NHR in Portugal.

  1. How does the new NHR in Portugal treat retirement pensions?

Unlike the previous scheme, foreign pensions are excluded from tax benefits under NHR 2.0 and are subject to standard progressive tax rates (14.5%-53%).

  1. What happens after the 10-year period of NHR 2.0 expires?

After the non-renewable 10-year period, you will be subject to Portugal’s standard tax regime as a regular tax resident. Please keep this in mind as you prepare to apply for NHR 2.0. 

  1. Is there a minimum stay requirement to maintain NHR 2.0 status?

While there is no specific minimum stay requirement, you must maintain your tax residency status in Portugal to benefit from the program.

  1. How is the application process different from the old NHR regime?

The new NHR in Portugal features stricter application deadlines, more documentation requirements, and more thorough eligibility verification compared to the previous automatic approval system.

  1. Can capital gains from selling property abroad be exempt under NHR 2.0?

The treatment of capital gains is still awaiting final regulations, but the initial announcements suggest they may be excluded from exemptions under the new NHR in Portugal.

The new NHR 2.0 (IFICI) program in Portugal offers significant tax advantages for qualified professionals relocating to Portugal, focusing on innovation, research, and high-value activities. While more restrictive than its predecessor, it continues to position Portugal as an attractive destination for international talent and investment.

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