According to the last political polls published by Católica University, the majority of the population sees a government formed by the Democratic Alliance party, and other right-wing parties, as the best solution for the country.
In the context of the upcoming legislative elections, the statistics center of the university undertook its regular political poll.
The sample corresponded to 1192 voters. The findings were as follows:
31% prefer a government that unites the Democratic Alliance and other right-wing parties. The two right-wing parties that were referenced the most for that union were CHEGA (16%) and IL (Liberal Initiative) (14%).
23% believe that a left-wing government, uniting the Socialist Party and other left wing parties, is the best option. The parties that were referenced the most for that union were Bloco de Esquerda (19%), CDU (12%), Livre (6%), and PAN (4%).
15% would like a more central government that would unite the Socialist Party and the Social Democratic Party.
11% believes in an absolute majority government from the Social Democratic Party, and 8% in an absolute majority of the Socialist Party.
When questioned if, independently of their preferences, they believed that the legislative elections would result in an absolute majority government, the voters responded as follows:
83% think it will not happen. 11% think that it will happen. 6% are unsure.
When questioned about who should rule if there is not an absolute majority, the voters said the following:
53% believe it should be the party with more votes. 41% said that it should be the party that was able to gather more parliamentary support and, with that, a majority.